RGB2HDMI Amiga 500 Denise Riser + Switch

18,90 (excl. VAT)

This adaptor uses a CPLD to pass the RGB and sync signals from the Amiga 500 Denise socket to the Raspberry Pi Zero. It derives the pixel clock in a very different way to the c0pperdragon design and therefore does not require a jumper for Denise / Super Denise and has no “sparkling” pixel issues. It also has the advantage of being firmware upgradable if there are any issues found in the logic. PCB was redesigned by our company with the consent of LinuxJedi.

Rasperry Pi Zero not included.

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Pi Software Installation

The software on the Pi should be at least the latest 20210529 release from the main tree or the latest IanSB beta release extracted onto a micro SD card in FAT32 format.
You need to copy some canned profile files into place for the board:

  • Amiga_CPLD_Readme/Amiga_CPLD_Setup/profile_6-12_BIT_RGB.txt to the root of the SD card
  • Amiga_CPLD_Readme/Amiga_CPLD_Setup/Profiles/Default.txt to the Profiles directory

This resolves some issues with mode switching, particularly on NTSC machines. The profile copied will automatically set single_button_mode.

Instalation in your Amiga 500

Source https://github.com/LinuxJedi/AmigaRGBtoHDMI/tree/main/Amiga500CPLD

Additional information

Weight0,200 kg