Ultimate Spinner PRO Black

149,90 (excl. VAT)

Premium quality Ultimate Spinner PRO, USB compatible, stainless steel with an incredible textured coating. Play like the old Atari paddle and Arcade Spinners. Side buttons with Pinball in mind. Specially designed for MiSTer FPGA, but also compatible with PC emulators (with PC firmware).

Left-handed right-handed


The latest *MiSTer firmware comes installed by default. You don’t need to upgrade. The PC Firmware it’s necessary if you plan to use the Spinner with PC emulators, but you can rollback to MiSTer Firmware anytime.

Release notes for MiSTer:

Arcade Cores:

  • Arkanoid: Works even better than before; spinner resolution settings have an effect and the game is much more enjoyable
  • Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh (Jotego Patreon)
  • Puzzle Loop 2 (Jotego’s CPS2 Core)
  • Block Block (Jotego – in works)
  • Breakout: Now works with options Spinner and Paddle
  • Pong: Works when controls set to “Paddle”
  • NeoGeo: Pop’n’Bounce support works with correct dip switch paddle settings and arcade mode

Console Cores:

  • NES: “Arkanoid” and “Flying Hero” now work with option “Vaus”
  • AY-3-8500 (Pong): now works with controls set to “Paddle” and can be inverted if needed
  • Atari 2600: Breakout / Breakaway works out of the box
  • Atari 7800 (by Rysha): works out of the box

Additional information

Weight 1,500 kg
Button Spinner Colour

"Black", "White", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow", "Blue", "Red", "Orange", "Pink", "Light Blue", "Royal Blue", "Lila", "Black/Grey", "Black/Blue"